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Chapter 10: Welcome to Zoolion.
186. Why tin can be dangerous for health.

187. Good guys make better evil plans.

188. 73P V2.0 Download it now for free!

189. Easy plans. Way too easy plans.

190. Time traveling devices and castles and grass, oh my!

191. Your worst nightmare! The author tries Medieval slang!

192. First Middle Age people were shiny too, but had less tails.

193. Based in amazingly usual real life facts.

194. "Green sleeves" forever.

195. Do monsters have macrophiliac nightmares?

196. "Do not elope, coward and vile creatures, for a single knight attacks you!"
(short Flash clip in which Ultrage emerges from his cave)
197. Bigger brain, sharper claws, redder blood, littler patience.

198. If this doesn't escalate the viewer rating, porn will.

199. The tickling fanservice ends NOW!

200. Interactive specialness!
(interactive Flash clip where the reader can choose how Ultrage and Nila attack each other)
201. So there's where Lady Cristina's horse was.

202. Spoilsport...

203. How not to make a comic: Include real Spanish History in it.

204. Zoolion: We sing from the diaphragm a loooooooot.

205. Count the legs and divide by four.

206. Gasp!

207. Constitution Day 2004 Special.

208. Guess which software company sponsored this strip.

209. Feelings of emptiness inside.

210. Get outta mah heeeeeead!!!

211. Everyone's happy.

212. No, MiniGandalf, we do not eat our MiniHobbits...

213. Vehicle and food supply all in one.

214. How to treat a dragon lady: five easy movements.

215. Two or three less characters.

216. Real pervs can find big things in 10 inches tall girls.

217. Carnival '05 Special.

218. Justice doesn't pay shiny armors.

219. Time for the special effects of destruction!

220. Did you think a cockroach dragon was weird?

221. Insert battle music here, please.

222. It's all part of his plan.

223. A gag has been born!

224. Here's Zelda, now gimme tha rupees!