Misbegotten Kittens

6. Nelson arrives at the orphanage

nel0< This is the place.

Toxicity levels, please.

[Viral density below infection threshold]

nel0< Ping headquarters.

[Radio communication online]

nel0< Check shades.

[Panfrequency visor operational]

nel0< Good.


nel1< Let's get this over with.


nel1< This doesn't look too bad.

The orphans must have locked themselves up here, but these doors look pretty damaged. I can probably break in.


nel1< What the hell?!


nel1< Well, that's a first.

Let's not do that again.


nel1< Good thing these panfrequency shades work. But it was near noon a moment ago, how did it get so dark all of a sudden?

[Incoming transmission]

nel1< Excellent, I could use some guidance.

tro0< Hello? Can anyone hear me?

nel1< What?

Sir, this is a protected transmission frequency.

Identify yourself immediately.

tro0< I... My name is TobĂ­as Troncal. I am the principal of this orphanage.


nel1< Mr. Troncal, I am agent Nelson from Esperanza. I am here to help.

tro0< Thank goodness! You have to help the children. They are in grave danger!

nel1< Where are they?

tro0< I told them to go to their bedrooms, but I... I don't...

nel1< And where are you?

tro0< What? I... I'm in my office, at the end of the ground level corridor.

nel1< Can't you come out?

tro0< No, I... I'm injured, I can't...

nel1< Wait, I'll help you...

tro0< No! Please, there may not be much time left! Find the children, take them to safety! I... I'll be ok. I'll wait here.

nel1< Much time left before what?

tro0< I'll give you their profiles, they might help you find them. I've slipped them und...

[Transmission over]

nel1< Mr. Troncal? Damn.


nel1< Mr. Troncal? Are you there?

No reply. And the door won't open.

It's too dark in here, the children must be terrified. I have to restore the power to the building as soon as possible.


nel1< These must be the profiles that he mentioned. Let's see.


nel1< My goodness... What happened to these kids?

What kind of orphanage is this?


nel1< I should at least learn their names. This one is Cris.

He was found next to the butchered corpses of his parents, with his face full of bloody cuts and... an arm chopped off. My goodness, who could do such a thing?

It says here that the boy got so traumatized that he can't remember who did it, and he blames the whole thing on an imaginary friend instead.


nel1< This one is Ben, although the other orphans call him Bunny. I can't quite tell what his species is... He was physically abused by his parents, before they were murdered too. Maybe there was some serial killer in this town? If so, it isn't mentioned here.


nel1< This is Robbie. Poor kid, a fire killed his parents, blinded him and badly burnt all of his skin. His face got so disfigured that they had to get him a mask, so that he didn't scare off the other orphans.


nel1< This is Mercedes. Her father died during a scientific experiment gone wrong. Details are vague, but whatever happened there also took nearly half of her body, and replaced it with sentient machinery.

There's a photograph in here. Her father looks familiar, his research must have been quite popular.


nel1< This is a child?

Oh, I see. This is what Mercedes's father was working on: artificial life. The experiment was never finished after his death, but they couldn't just let this poor creature die, so Mercedes took it with her to the orphanage.


nel1< Hum. I guess that's all of them.

There are no details on this boy's death. I wonder what happened to him.


nel1< Well, these weren't very helpful.

Finding those children shouldn't be very difficult anyway. This building isn't that big.


nel1< What the hell was that?!

Was that some kind of wild animal? How did it get into the building?


nel1< Where did it go? There are no other exits to this room.

Oh good, a fuse box. Just what I needed.

I better tread carefully, this wooden floor is very damaged.


nel1< There we go. This should do it.


nel1< Now, let's see if OH SHIT WHAT NO HELP FUCK!
Misbegotten Kittens © Dr Javi